Press Releases for digital hearing aids

  • 985 offer the lowest prices for hearing aids guaranteed can offer their customers the best priced hearing aids together with quality service for all people looking for a hearing aid in the UK.

    By : | 10-03-2010 | Health and Fitness:Health and Fitness | Total Views : 985

  • 919

    Hearing Aids At Trade Launch New Look Website

    A network of local independent Hearing Aid Dispensers in the UK – has re-designed their website providing a fresh new look for their customers and trade.

    By : | 08-20-2010 | Business:Business | Total Views : 919

  • 1809

    Make sure you hear the World Cup 2010 with

    With the vuvuzela drowning out our World Cup games want to make sure you keep your ears protected through the soccer fiasco.

    By : | 06-24-2010 | Architecture:Architecture | Total Views : 1809

  • 833

    New Offers Aim To Make Hearing Aids And Accessories Easier And More Accessible

    Maintaining and caring for your hearing aids is a lot easier than you think. Keephearing's online shop includes a wide selection of affordable and discreet digital hearing aids and a selection of accessories such as Rayovac batteries, wax guards and domes from the leading manufacturers like Phonak, Oticon, Unitron, GN Resound, Widex, Siemens, Starkey and more

    By : | 03-21-2011 | Health and Fitness:Health and Fitness | Total Views : 833